Healthy Happy and More Engaged

Take a look at what you recieve if your workplace qualifies.

Be Heard | Access To Local Health Experts

As part of our commitment to fostering a progressive workplace environment, you have access to real-time advice from a diverse team of registered Australian health professionals, including nutritional coaching, personal trainers, chiropractors, physiotherapists, ergonomic consultants, and more!*

Live Pain Free | Real Time WFH Consultations

Gain access to our chiropractors and physiotherapists who can assess your home setup, providing support and guidance to help reduce pain, improve posture, and prevent injuries.

Be Present | Work Life Balance

Collaborate with our registered health professionals to design strategies aimed at enhancing your fitness, movement, flexibility, and lifestyle choices whether you're at the office or working from home. Look, feel, and function at your best, ensuring a harmonious balance between work and personal life.

Gain Knowledge | Employment Empowerment Program

Tap into the expertise of health and wellness industry leaders who will live stream directly to your workplace, inspiring positive health choices for you and your team. Our presenters include qualified doctors, published wellness authors, TEDx speakers, keynote presenters, and seasoned industry professionals.

Videos On Demand | Access to our full Library

Access hundreds of pre-recorded ergonomic-based exercises for WFH, along with powerful posture routines and more, to support your well-being and productivity.

Be Fit | Online Personal Trainer

Our fitbness trainers are adept at crafting personalised exercise programs tailored to the equipment you have at home and your current skill level. All of this is monitored from the comfort and privacy of your own home, ensuring a seamless and effective WFH health journey.

Be Well | Nutritional Coaching

Work with our food coaches to develop an individualized, easy-to-implement, monitored nutritional program aimed at ensuring maximum health and energy throughout your working day.

Stay Connected | Your Community

Support and be supported within your company by participating in group real-time discussions with our registered health professionals. These sessions address common work-from-home health issues

Elevate Your Company to a Forward-Thinking Hybrid Workplace

*Health practitioners have the discretion to determine which services they provide at no charge, and these arrangements should be discussed between the employee and the practitioner. If any additional costs are incurred, the employee will be responsible for covering these expenses.